Section Report 2013-2014

4th Weybridge Beaver Scout Group


 We currently have 22 Beavers, 2 of whom are moving up to cubs at the start of next term.  We wish them well and we hope they continue to enjoy their adventure in scouting, learning many more skills along the way.  We have 4 new young people joining us in September.

The children have worked hard towards their Chief Scout Bronze award and we have been fortunate enough to see 4 people gain this throughout the year, with a further half dozen who are really, really close.  To gain the Bronze Award, you need to have commitment and turn up to a variety of activities and events throughout their time in beavers, this helps them to get their six Challenge badges which in turn means they can be awarded the Chief Scout Bronze award, the Challenge badges are Creative, Fitness, Friendship, Global, Outdoor and Promise.

We were also given a further 9 new activity badges in May so we took full advantage of this straight away and set the children to work in the Church gardens.  This hard work on their behalf went towards the new Gardener activity badge but more importantly, we took part in Scout Community Week 2014 and even more importantly we have added colour to the Church gardens – ask your child what they planted and maybe wander over there afterwards and take a look?  The Dahlia’s should be in full flower now.

The children went on an amazing Scavenger hunt in Weybridge back in October, we were so proud, many people looked on and were pleased to see the beavers in full uniform parading the streets of Weybridge looking for tiny clues.  We also went on a visit to Pets at Home in Byfleet, District Beaver Sleepover, Lego and K’Nex evening (that was a very quiet evening…) and then we went over to Thames Ditton and boarded the Santa train.  I am not sure who enjoyed the train more, the adults or the children.

Spring term seemed to be themed around food even though we didn’t really intend it that way, as we made a cake in a mug, pancakes, packed a picnic and finished off the term with the Annual Group Easter Egg hunt at Walton Firs which had chocolate!

Summer Term saw the group’s first Ultimate Dodgeball competition and despite both the children and adults learning the rules as we went along, this went down very well and was certainly enjoyed by all.  Tug of War at Oatlands Fayre was extremely well attended despite the pouring rain and the children enjoyed themselves immensely and even though we didn’t win, we are so proud of every single Beaver who turned up and tried their best!  Of course we can’t forget the Quad biking in May, the pictures say everything that needs to be said about that evening. Brilliant!  We went to Walton Firs in June with all the beavers in the district to a Teddy Bears’ Picnic, we were lucky with the weather as it was glorious.

Already booked for the coming year is the Sleepover in September, a Hike at Box Hill in October, a baking afternoon in December… Most importantly all current Beavers next June will have the opportunity to go to Bazzaz – this is an event for all the beavers in Surrey to get together for a fun day at Cranleigh Showground.  This only occurs once every three years and we were lucky enough to go in 2012 and to say that we can’t wait for the next one would be an understatement!  More activities and events will be added to the year as we go along. 

Finally, we would like to thank the parents who help on the rota and those who stay even if they are not on the rota – we really appreciate this and the level of support we have been given over the last year.  This has enabled us to offer the children many different activities – In the autumn term alone, we offered 20 different opportunities – THANK YOU!

 Have a lovely summer and see you in September.

Emma Hives                                        Liz Farmer

Beaver Scout Leader                          Assistant Beaver Scout Leader